March 15, 2015

Warm Weather Fun

Warm weather fun. That's what our weekend consisted of. A lot of fun, a lot of green, lots or warm weather, and a whole lot of sunshine! This was the first year that Seth got to watch the parade with us instead of riding in it. So of course we had a blast! Ryder's favorites in the parade were the horses, motorcycles, and all of the music. My favorite was watching the parade through his eyes and Seth was all about drinking a beer on the street.

Sunday's weather was amazing! We were outside all morning playing on the swing set, running around the yard, coloring with chalk, and even enjoyed our first picnic of the year. We let Ryder take a late nap and then enjoyed even more time outside. Of course we had to squeeze in a trip to the grocery store so that we could have burgers on the grill for the first time this year also! I am so excited for warm, summer nights! As soon as I finish typing this I am going to book our camping trip! At first I was nervous to take Ryder camping this year but the way that he loves being outside (and playing in the dirt, with sticks, and carrying around worms like they are toys) it should be no problem at all!

Here's a fun game we can play. Can you spot the rock in his hand in every picture? He always has one in his hand while we are outside. I'm also starting quite the collection inside the back door.

Let the St. Patrick's Day festivities begin!


  1. Aww, he's so cute and yes I can see/find the rock. LOL! Great photos! Love you blog!
