March 19, 2015

Spring Cleaning

Tomorrow is the first day of spring! What better way to celebrate than to start making my yearly spring cleaning room-by-room cleaning list? I may be the only one but I love spring cleaning! The thought of clearing away all of the old from the previous year and starting with a clean, blank slate.

I am so excited to start organizing and cleaning our house for a few reasons. This will be our first spring cleaning spree at our new home! We have boxes in the basement and garage that we never went through during the move. We will be purging through everything! I can guarantee that there will be a garage sale to follow. Also, since this will be our first big cleaning after moving in there will be a lot of organizing and decorating happening! Which of course leads to my favorite part, shopping for new items to organize and decorate with. See why that garage sale is important?

Although, cleaning with a toddler in the house is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos. At least that's what I heard somewhere.

Method Dish Soap || We use Method soap for washing our hands, washing dishes, as well as for cleaning our laundry. There soap smells amazing and cleans so well without drying out our skin from using it so often.
Mrs. Meyer's Multi-Surface Cleaner || I have been trying hard to clear out all of the harsh chemicals in our house, however, there are still some products that I just can't live without. Mrs. Meyer's products smell wonderful. We use them to clean the toilet, tub, shower, and other tough to clean areas. I have been working on making my own cleaner which I will get into in just a bit.
Mason Jars || These are used all over our house holding so many different things from cotton swabs to markers. So handy and easy to use. We also use them as drinking glasses and vases.
Basket Tray || I use baskets and trays for everything! This basket is currently being used to hold all of the loose items from Seth's pockets after he comes home from work. I plan to give it a new job soon though. It's too pretty to collect change, keys, and pocket lint.
Glass Canisters || I have a serious obsession with these glass canisters. They are on the kitchen counter holding sugar, flour, pancake mix, and coffee. I use them to hold Ryder's pacifiers in his bedroom and I am on the hunt for ways to use them in our bathroom for organization.
Metal Basket || I feel like I'm repeating myself. Baskets, baskets, baskets. Do you see a pattern yet? We love these baskets! When Ryder was a tiny baby we used these to hold diapers and diapering necessities. My favorite way to use these right now is to hold all of Ryder's snacks in the pantry.
Young Living Essential Oils || These oils have made such a change in our lives. If you haven't read my post about how we jumped the gun and why we love them, then you can find that here. I made an all natural cleaner using oils that came in the Premium Starter Kit. We use it to clean all kitchen surfaces, the table and chairs, the bathroom counter, and all other surfaces in the house, but mostly we use it for Ryder's high chair. Which is why we call it our "high chair spray". It is safe enough that Ryder could literally lick it off the counter and other than a bad taste, he would be perfectly fine! Can you say that about your cleaner?

EO All-Purpose Cleaner
aka "High Chair Cleaner"
4 oz glass spray bottle
distilled water
Thieves oil
Lemon oil
Clove oil (optional)
Add 1/2 cup vinegar, 10 drops Thieves oil, 10 drops lemon oil, and 10 drops clove oil into a spray bottle. Fill the rest of the way with distilled water. Shake well before spraying.

That's it! Natural and completely safe!

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