March 23, 2015

Happy Monday!

We had such a beautiful first weekend in spring! Seth spent his Saturday playing golf while Ryder and I did a little shopping in the morning and in the afternoon Nana and Papa came to play and brought over our newest family members. Sunday was an easy-going, lazy day. I spent the morning cleaning and attempting to do some spring cleaning. But let's face it. Who wants to spend an entire Sunday cleaning and organizing while everyone else in the house is laying on the couch watching cartoons? Pass the popcorn breakfast please! ;) Ryder got to experience his first ice cream truck which is really more of a van...a creepy, rusty van with a guy who looks just as creepy on the inside. Of course he ended up not wanting to eat the ice cream treat so daddy and I had a little before dinner snack while watching Ryder run around the yard.

Meet the newest members of our household. Technically they aren't new. They have been my dad's for about 6 years but he needed to get rid of his large aquarium and couldn't separate from these little guys. Since Ryder loves them so much at their house, he gifted them to us!

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