February 23, 2015

Dreaming Of Spring

I am so ready for warmer weather. We have had snow, ice, and temperatures well below freezing for weeks now. Spring is right around the corner and I can't wait. Over the weekend we bought a few small succulents for the house and it got me thinking about gardening. We have a fairly small yard and this will be my first year growing anything on my own. I've decided to grow only a few things to start with then next year build onto that.

There are two things that we eat so often that I feel like I am constantly buying them from the grocery store. Strawberries seem to disappear into thin air in this family. I've heard that growing strawberries is fairly difficult due to birds and other animals eating them. So I researched different ways to protect the plants from intruders. I found this image on Pinterest (with no valid link). I am hoping to get Seth on board to making something similar to it.

Another food item that I craved through my entire pregnancy with Ryder was green peppers. I still cannot get enough of them to this day. We also use them in Mexican dishes at least once a week if not more. Fajitas are our jam! So of course it was a natural decision to grow peppers. My mom grew peppers in her garden last year. We planted way too many plants and the end result was more peppers than we could eat.

I also plan on planting lavender and lemongrass near the front porch and in the back yard. We had a horrible mosquito problem last year. I'm hoping that will help cut the bites down. I also plan on making my own bug spray using essential oils. I'm actually really excited to try the mix out!

And because no post is complete without a picture of my little stud. It snowed much more than what was predicted Friday night. We went to bed expecting up to 3 inches but instead we woke to 6 inches and more snow falling on Saturday. After breakfast Ryder sat on top of the couch watching the snow fall and letting me know when a snow plow would go by. He is always sitting up there and watching everything outside. Maybe I should sign him up for neighborhood watch.

Happy Monday, friends!

1 comment:

  1. I like those raised garden planters with the screens! And, that picture of the little neighborhood watcher is beyond adorable!
