December 31, 2014

Cheers To The New Year!

I worked hard on narrowing down my top favorite pictures from this year. I didn't want to overload you with so much baby spam, but I still ended up with a lot of favorites! This year went by so fast! We hit so many milestones this year as a family and I can't wait to make our mark in 2015.

Ryder learned to sit up.

Ryder got baptized.

We went on our first camping getaway as a family to Indiana Dunes.

There was a lot of baby-proofing.

We bought our first house!

We went on vacation to Wisconsin Dells.

Ryder turned ONE!

We made new friends...who are expecting a new baby in 2015!!!

We may have all shed a few tears with a couple of the milestones, such as watching your baby walk for the first time and getting your first haircut.

We took a lot of family photos but not nearly enough.

Hats off to you, 2014! You showed us so much love and we had so many fun times. Many memories were made and this year was definitely one for the books! Now that the fevers are gone, we are going to get the party started! Since none of us will make it to midnight (thanks to lack of sleep for days) we will celebrate early and all day tomorrow. CHEERS to the New Year and thank you for all of your support and for following along with our family! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all the pictures, the blog, the memories, etc. Happy New Year!
