November 17, 2014

Thanks A Latte!

One of my favorite things to do around holidays and special occasions is to give thank you gifts to friends, family, teachers, and classmates. Coming up with a different gift every year can be kind of hard to do. That's when I rely on good old Pinterst. I did some searching and here are my 5 favorite ways to say thank you this year with free printables.

Bottled Up || Brownie Mix (similar recipe here) || Thanks A Latte || Made With Love || Donuts

Of course, with Thanksgiving coming in less than 2 weeks, I will definitely be getting some of these gifts together. And with Christmas right around the corner, I had better get to starting those gifts as well! I seriously love giving these little thank yous for no reason all throughout the year also.

On a side note, we had our first snow of the season this weekend! We watched it fall during dinner and immediately after we were done eating we threw on our coats and hats and took Ryder out to play in it. Last year he was not a fan at all and he was too little to really understand. This year he loved it! He was stomping in it and running through the yard. He couldn't figure out how to hold the snow because it was so cold. I guess we need to find some mittens for him.

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