November 14, 2014

15 Months Of Ryder

Hello my little love!
     I can't believe you are officially a toddler now. You have changed and grown so much in just the past few months since your birthday. Together we are learning so much about each other and the world around us. You now have me chasing you everywhere and you definitely run much faster than I can most of the time. Your daddy and I love that every morning when you wake, I go and get you out of bed, we do or morning cuddles and get a fresh diaper on, then you go running out of your bedroom and into ours so excited to see daddy waiting for you. It puts a smile on my face every time. You are completely in awe over big trucks and trains and you can't get enough of the Fresh Beat Band. We make sure to dance and sing along to their music every single day and your newest dance move is to spin around, which is one of their songs that you can't get enough of. It doesn't matter where we are or what we are doing, if you hear the word elephant or see an elephant you immediately throw your right arm into the air and make a trumpeting sound. It is clear that they are your favorite animal by far. You can point to you eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, nose, and belly button and you insist on showing everyone you come across. I love you so much and I can't wait to watch you grow into your full toddler self.

Love always,

height: 33 inches
weight: 25 pounds
teeth: 11 | 4 top, 4 bottom, 1 full molar, 3 molars have poked through, and 1 fang pushing.
clothing: still fitting in some 12-18 months but wears mostly 18-24 months - size 4 shoes
favorite foods: pasta with marinara, raspberries, strawberry jam, chilled peas, tomato soup, Panera's broccoli cheddar soup, and apple cider
new words: bubbles "bubb-ol", blanket "bank-ed", and what's that? "watt dot", and yuck
favorite activities: gym class, being chased, slides, throwing everything, wagon rides, helping me in the kitchen, and dancing to the Fresh Beat Band
least favorites: hates sitting in a shopping cart, or anywhere for that matter, for too long (anything longer than 5 minutes).
signature moves: spinning around, blowing kisses, and clapping his hand over his head - he is also now using sign language on a regular basis for milk, all done, more, drink, eat, and sometimes poop for diapers :) He is also completely obsessed with flushing the toilet.

Our fall family photos are courtesy of our favorite photographer, Amy Joy Photography.

1 comment:

  1. AWWWWWW!!!!!! He couldn't be any cuter and good looking! Great family photos!
