September 22, 2014

Goodbye, Summer.

It's time to say goodbye to summer. I have mixed emotions about it. On one hand, we had so much fun this summer. We started a couple traditions like going on our first family vacation and taking our first trip to the state fair as a family. We also took a big step as a family by buying and moving into our first house! I will never forget all of the memories we made as well. From water parks to the zoo, cookouts and fireworks, we have had the best summer!

Yesterday we spent the day finishing up household chores and projects. We finally have the chalkboard and gallery wall in the bedroom finished and I am working on a house tour post. We tried to teach Ryder how to play football but he really was more interested in the rocks and cars driving by. I'm sure it doesn't help that we were asking him to throw a ball that is almost the same size as him. We ended our day with Amish Loaded Baked Potato Soup and apple cider. A perfect way to kick off Soup Sunday and fall!

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