September 24, 2014

Squishy, Snotty, & Slides

Ryder has been feeling awful this week. He woke up from his afternoon nap on Sunday and was covered in snot and could barely breathe through his nose. Thinking it was just allergies, we went in to the doctor for his follow-up appointment for his double ear infection. This is where we discovered that his right ear looked great but his left ear was much worse than it was before. So now we are on our second round of antibiotics and have been diagnosed with a virus. I can also see both of his canine teeth under his gums as well as his molars. Oh what fun! So now we are knee deep in tissues, saline spray, Benadryl, Children's Zyrtec, Infant Tylenol, warm mist humidifiers, Vicks room scents, and lots and lots of hugs. Which of course prompted me to catch the virus. I'm just hoping that mine stays a scratchy throat and doesn't turn into anything else.

But we have had a lot of fun staying home and going stir crazy resting. We surprised Ryder with a small slide that I had in storage and he absolutely loves it! We are planning on giving it a makeover soon. I just need to decide on the colors. We have already had our fair share of head bumps and face plants. But he is getting the hang of it. Slowly but surely, "Up the steps, down the slide. Up the steps, down the slide. Up the steps, down the slide."

I know that there is still a week left of September but we are already celebrating Halloween over here! From Halloween jammies to Halloween decorations, we are pulling it all out of storage. I made these squish bags for Ryder to play with and explore. Normally I would tape the edges and let him shake them and throw them around but this time I though it would be fun to tape them to the windows. The colors are so vibrant when the sun shines through them and Ryder has so much fun moving the gel and objects around while pushing on the glass.

They are simple to make and you can use anything to make them. I used clear soap from the dollar store and added food coloring to make the goo. Then I gave each one a theme and added everything that I could find that was Halloween related at the dollar store or at the dollar sections at Target and craft stores. I used shipping tape to adhere them to the window.

**UPDATE** The freezer bag was too heavy to stay in place. Sandwich size worked great. Also do not use a lot of "gel" in each bag.


1 comment:

  1. What a cute and creative idea! At the top of the slide, I can really see Ryder in you at that age. You are such a good mommy with all of your ideas, playtime, learning, etc. Love it!
