September 19, 2014

An Apple A Day

One of my favorite things about September is that almost all of the apples are ready to be picked. I always make sure to have a stock of apple cider in the fridge from September through November. And who doesn't love apple desserts? Our house will soon be filled with tasty treats including apple bread, apple pie, apple cider, apple strudel, and much more. I will be sure to share a recipe.

We spent Thursday morning at a local apple orchard with our good friends. Ryder loved the baby goats and picking the apples. And while we fought off giant mud puddles, bees, and spiders, the boys loved walking around the orchard and finding apples everywhere. We left with over a pound of apples, strawberry jam, and freshly bottled apple cider. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. 

It's the last weekend of summer.
Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Love that last picture. Callum is looking at Ryder as if to say: "Don't even think about trying to take my apple!" LOL!
