August 18, 2014

Weekend Recap

Why is it that the weekends seem to speed by while the weekdays seems to drag on? Our weekend felt even shorter since we got back from vacation Friday night. Which means that my weekend was filled with unpacking, cleaning & laundry. During the three nights at the resort, Ryder was terrified to sleep by himself in his play yard. So he slept with us in our bed. And while it was great to cuddle him all night long (he even slept in longer than usual) he now is having a hard time going to sleep in his crib. The minute we brush his teeth & say his prayers at night, he starts screaming. Any ideas that may help are more than welcome!

In between the housekeeping & crying we did manage to go to the state fair! We couldn't go last year because I went into labor the first night of the fair last year. I was bummed that we missed out on all of the good food but at the same time I had an adorable newborn to love on. So I really made it a point to go this year. Of course the fair was the weekend of his party & the week of our vacation to the Dells. To top it all off, the entire week it rained!! I was so nervous that we wouldn't be able to go again this year. But finally the skies cleared up & the temperature was perfect!

We got to pet different kinds of animals & we got to feed a giraffe! Ryder was a little skeptical about feeding him but was a trooper & tried it a few times.

And don't worry, we washed his hands afterwards!

The butter cow was completely fogged up so we couldn't see it very well this year.

Ryder rode his first carnival ride. I was unsure how he would do on even the tame children's rides so we started with the Carousel. He was unsure the first time around but loved it almost immediately! He even gave a few chuckles on the ride.

And of course for Seth & I, a trip to the state fair isn't complete without stuffing our faces. We all enjoyed corn dogs, Philly cheese steak, chili cheese fries, quesadillas, a lemonade shake-up to wash that down & then there is the deep dried brownie! These a seriously to die for! So amazing! I could go for another one right now.

And as if that wasn't enough to satisfy your sweet tooth, I'd like to show you what we can't resist taking home with us. A bag full of hot, sugary mini donuts. This was Ryder's first time eating one. He would throw a fit (not exaggerating) when he finished one. He ate about 10! Okay, that was an exaggeration. But he did eat a lot.

I hope all of you had a great weekend!

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