August 20, 2014

Twelve Month Update

I wasn't sure if I was going to continue to do monthly updates on Ryder or not. I thought about it & remembered why I originally started this blog. I want our friends & family who do not have the opportunity to watch Ryder grow & to see our family as often as we would like, to be able to keep up to date with our activities & journeys. I also want to have the blog for myself & Ryder to reflect on later in life.I love keeping this blog as a sort of journal of our family.

With that being said, I have decided that I will not do monthly updates but will do every few months. Mostly the months that we have his wellness check-ups. I have been asked to keep doing monthly favorites as well. These will be more spread out also. This is due to the fact that he is interested in items for longer periods of times instead of every couple weeks. I will also be adding a few new series to the blog such as craft ideas with littles. What else would you like to see on the blog?

Now let's get to the good stuff, the real reason you are all here.

Ryder At Twelve Months

Stats: 22 pounds, 31.5 inches, seven teeth
Clothes: Ryder wears 12-18 months. Occasionally I will put him in an 18 month shirt (as in the picture above) but he fits 12-18 months best. Our favorite brands Gap & Old Navy as well as brands that we find online.

Favorite Foods: Pasta, raspberries, mandarin oranges, cheese, toast, pancakes/waffles & peanut butter
Favorite Words: Dada, mama, nana & animal sounds (howl & woof)
Favorite Activities: Stacking toys. Dancing. Mean Mugging. Throwing everything. This boy has such an arm! I swear he will be a pitcher in the major leagues before he is three.
Least Favorite Things: Diaper changes. Sitting still. Getting out of the bathtub. The word "no". He throws himself down on his butt & pouts almost every time we say the word. Go figure.
Signature Moves: If you say the word "elephant" or show him a picture of one, his right arm immediately goes straight in the air & his head cocks to the side. (Imitating the elephant's trunk swinging.) He also always bounces his booty up & down when he gets exciting or hears music.

Favorite Things
Lil' Cooks Pot - Ryder loves playing with the pots & pans in the kitchen. We bought him this for his birthday in hopes that he drags it around the house rather than the glass lids. He loved it! And he still drags around the real ones too...
Dusty Plane Ride-On - Nana & Papa got this for Ryder for his birthday & he loves it! The propeller spins & lights up. Ryder is just learning to ride it & for now only rides it backwards.
Boat & Cup Bath Toy - We love Ikea. What's not to love about Ikea? Their products are amazing & their prices are even better! Ryder loves this toys & rarely plays with much else in the tub.
Tent & Tunnel - Again, another Ikea product. This is an absolute must have if you have an active little one in your house. You can find the tunnel here & the tent here.
Camo Moccasins - I swear by these shoes! They are pricey but if you follow them by email or Instagram, they are always having specials & deals! These are not only comfortable but stay on! And they are great for those just learning to walk because they are still soft sole so that the baby can use all of their muscles in their feet to learn to walk.
Vtech Touch & Swipe Phone - This is definitely a hit with the younger generation. However it does not deter Ryder from sneaking my phone & I'm pretty certain it taught him how to swipe & dial my phone...
Stacking Rings - This toy alone with keep Ryder busy for long stretches of time. I like this ring stacker because it is pretty when sitting on the shelf. Yes. I am that mom.

Mom's Proud Moment: After dropping my iced coffee all over the kitchen the other day yelling "Oh man!" Which prompted Ryder to shout "Ooooh!". Thank goodness I actually watched my language for once.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog and photos! It makes me laugh, tear up, and feel good! Don't ever stop writing or taking photos!
