August 10, 2014

Let's Party!

I want to start out by giving a huge thank you to all that came to our house to celebrate Ryder's birthday with us. He had so much fun & received so many fun gifts. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I think it goes without saying that this year just flew by! I can't believe that Ryder has been with us for a year already. We are so thankful & so blessed to have him in our lives. This weekend was truly one of the best times of my life & one of the hardest times. It was so over-overwhelmingly emotional to realize my baby is now officially a toddler & to see how many people love him. Bring on the tears!
Can someone hand me a tissue please?

Now, onto the party shall we? (While I clean up all these tears.)

Friday morning was Ryder's actual birthday so of course that was when the fun started! He was having a rough, early morning (5 am to be exact) & ended up in bed with us. I think he knew that I was having a hard time letting him grow up because he snuggled right into my arms & drifted off to sleep. It was the best 2 hours in a long time. Once he woke up he got to play in his crib which was full of balloons!! Who wouldn't want to wake up & have balloons all over? He stared at me like I was an alien while I sang a round of Happy Birthday. We made special birthday pancakes that he devoured in a matter of minutes. He even licked the sprinkles off of the plate. Seth had to work so Ryder & I played, cleaned & decorated all day! I think he knew the day was special because he just wanted to keep giving me hugs & cuddles all day long. Thank you, buddy!

In our house we have a tradition. The night of your birthday you get to choose your favorite meal for dinner. It doesn't matter if it is homemade or if we go out. Ryder told me he wanted his favorite...spaghetti! Okay, so maybe he didn't tell me with words, but it really truly is one of his favorites. So much for my clean kitchen... After a bath & dishes, we gave him his presents from us. No we didn't wrap them. I know, I know. Parent's of the year award right here.

The party was so much fun! And thank you again to those who came & celebrated with us. He was zonked out immediately after everyone left. Now I just need to find a place for all of these new toys...

The inside of the cake was 3 shades of blue. I never did get a picture.

Happy first Birthday, Ryder!

1 comment:

  1. Well, personally I think you DO deserve Parents of the Year award! You have been amazing and the best parents ever to Ryder Dean! His birthday party was fantastic and his morning of balloons in the crib, birthday sprinkle pancakes, etc., sounds wonderful. So, congrats, to you and Seth -- you are Parents of the Year in my book! Love you all!
