August 8, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday, Ryder Dean!

Hello my love,
I can't believe that today you are one year old. I feel like it was only yesterday that you came into this big world with barely even a whimper. You are growing into a wonderful little man & I couldn't be more proud of all that you have accomplished in such a short time. Your smile can light up a room & your giggle is very contagious. Everywhere we go there is always someone smiling back at you. You are a dancing fool with a wicked pitching arm. I am so happy to call you mine & to watch you learn & grow. I love how you always want to help your momma & how you crawl to daddy to minute he walks in the door after work. The way that you throw the ball across the room then charge after it just to throw it again makes me laugh every time. I hope the next year brings so much joy to your life. I have so many hopes & dreams for you but above all else I want you to know how loved you are. You are very loved, baby boy.
I love you more than you will ever know.

Happy 1st Birthday, Ryder Dean!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this blog and all the pictures! He couldn't get any more adorable and thank you so much for making me a grandmother to the world's cutest, funny, sweet baby boy! Couldn't love him anymore or you either! Happy 1st Birthday, Ryder Dean! Nana loves you!
