August 1, 2014

Food Friday: English Muffin Pizzas

It has been a good while since I have shared a recipe with you. We can thank a baby, moving & life for that. Good news is, I've been taking pictures & keeping track of new meals & food ideas that have been a hit at our house!!

This recipe is for the little ones. Recently Ryder has become irritating when it comes to food. I want to call him picky but it's more than that. He will like a certain food one day & the next, hate it. A new trick he has learned (I have no idea from where) is to gag on food & spit it out. Some times the food doesn't even make it to his tongue before he gags. Anyone else have this happening? So I have been trying to get creative with his meals. I know what he likes & I try to do different varieties with them. I am putting together a post of toddler meals also.

Long story short: here is a new big hit at our house with all of us.

English Muffin Pizzas

whole-grain English Muffins
pizza sauce (great homemade recipe)
shredded Mozzarella cheese

1. Slice muffins in half.
2. Toast each slice until the edges are slightly crisp.
3. Lay each slice on a baking sheet lined in aluminum foil.
4. Spread a generous amount of pizza sauce on each slice.
5. Add a layer of cheese.
6. Place toppings on cheese.
7. Put baking sheet in over & turn the broiler on.
8. Bake for about 2-3 minutes. Be sure to watch them!
9. Remove from the oven when the cheese is bubbling.

The best part about making these for Ryder is that I can add veggies under the cheese & he eats them without a fight! The pizzas that are pictured have green peppers (which Ryder loves) & pureed broccoli mixed in with the sauce. I couldn't taste it at all & he pretty much swallowed two pizzas whole! Take that toddler-transitioning-picky-eater!!

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