July 28, 2014

Sweet Summertime

Summer is almost over. The back to school shopping has started & kids everywhere are soaking up what's left of the summer. For me, summer is officially over after the Illinois State Fair. This year it just so happens to fall on Ryder's birthday (as it did last year) & continues while we are on vacation. Since I was in labor during the opening parade last year, we never did make it to the fair. But this year we are going! I have already started a must- have & to-do list for our time at the fair. But we will save that for another post.

This post is about our summer. Do you remember the summer bucket list I made? I feel that I need to do an updated version since we have been doing so many things. So here it goes...

Summer Bucket List
1. Go to a carnival.
2. Go camping.
3. Make homemade popcicles.
4. Visit a water park.
5. Eat my weight in corn dogs.
6. Might as well eat my weight in funnel cakes as well!
7. Have a picnic. Or two.
8. Teach Ryder the art of throwing water balloons.
8. Visit the splash pad.
9. Go swimming. Go swimming a lot.
10. Visit the sno cone truck.
11. Take Ryder to the Farmer's Market & bring home lots of fresh produce & goodies.
12. Play in a field with lightning bugs.
13. Watch fireworks. And hope that Ryder doesn't freak out.
14. Go to the zoo.
15. Go to the beach.

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