July 25, 2014

Birthday Party Planning

I can't believe that my baby is turning ONE in just 14 days. I have been a mess of emotions lately. If you follow me on Instagram you've seen a few posts that clearly show my sadness. I am happy & sad at the same time. Ryder has been taking steps on his own & I am pretty sure that he will be walking by the time of his party. Or at least vacation the following week. He is also suddenly saying a few new words such as "don"-done, "moe"-more & "ove"-over. I almost can't keep up.This next week will be a busy one for us. We still need to paint 3 rooms in the house, get Ryder's 12 month pictures taken & finish up making all of the birthday party decor. I've already started on a few things. Our house is becoming overwhelmed by the color blue. Here are some things that I'm working on right now.

Ryder has also helped my make his birthday wish list. Okay, so maybe he just sat in shopping carts eating graham crackers or watching Chuggington while I browsed online. Either way, we have come up with a good list of goodies that he wants (& is getting) for his birthday this year.

Hape Shape Puzzle - Ryder loves to stack & organize toys. We have tried a few puzzles recently & he was very interested in them. I think he will love being able to not only put the pieces where they go but also be able to stack them into a tower...& send them flying across the room.
Imaginarium Stacking Rings - Again because he loves to stack toys.
Camo Moccasins - We love his neon green moccasins that he wears all the time. He has learned to stand & maneuver very well in them & they stay on his foot! Plus they are adorable!!!
Walker Wagon - He will be able to put all of his toys (or the remotes) in the wagon & walk them around the house...or run.
The book & wagon are gifts ideas that I gave out to family. He loves to read books & I have been dying for this All-Terrain Wagon since I found out I was pregnant.

And of course, no post is complete without Ryder cuteness!

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