July 7, 2014

Red White & BOOM!

We are still without internet at our new house. Currently the ground phone line to the house needs replaced so we are waiting on them to install that before attempting to install the hardware. Again. So frustrating!

Our July 4th weekend was so much fun! We spent the weekend being very busy & very festive. Friday we started the day off with patriotic waffles & coffee (for mommy & daddy) then played with the water table while Seth did some work around the house. We had dinner with my family & then headed downtown Springfield for fireworks. I thought for sure that Ry would be terrified of them but he proved me wrong. Yet again.

After waiting in line for a corn dog for what seemed like hours, we found the perfect spot on the capital lawn to spread out our blanket. The show started & Ryder sat stunned, for a few seconds, then he was quickly unloading the stroller, emptying the diaper bag, filling the diaper bag & repeating this for the entire fireworks display. The finale was the only part that got his attention. The night was a hit until everyone cheered at the end. Then Ryder lost his shit. Guess I know how it will be at his birthday when we sing to him.

Saturday, one of my friend's that moved away year ago came home for a visit with her family. So we spend some time with them at the park. Her little boy is a few months younger than Ryder & when I held him Ryder was not too happy...jealous much?

Sunday was spent being lazy around the (baby) pool & watching cartoons.

^^ Do you see what I see? *teeth!*

^^ "Mom, this water is cold!"

I hope that all of you had a fun & festive holiday weekend!


  1. These pictures are adorable!

  2. So cute!, how do you make your iced coffee?

    1. I use a very simple method to make my iced coffee. We have a Kureg & I am obsessed with Donut Shop's regular k-cups. I fill the Kureg with 10 oz of water & brew it in a steel cocktail shaker. Then I let it sit in the freezer. It usually only takes about 10-15 minutes. I pour it into my 20 oz Mason Bar Company glass (found on Etsy) over ice & dump a little half & half in. That's it! :-)
