July 3, 2014

Little Man Update

Well, we are still without internet at the house. So once again this post is brought to you by "Nana & Papa's" house. I realized that it has been a while since I have done a monthly update on Ryder & since he will 11 months on Tuesday, I figured I should at least post about his 10 months.

Age: 10 months
Stats: 21 lbs 29.5 in (at 9 months appointment)
Schedule: He sleeps around 9 hours at night with 2 hours during the day.
Favorite foods: Pasta, broccoli, blueberries, mashed potates, graham crackers, kiwi & basically anything except peas.
Clothes: 12-18 months
Favorite things: Music, food, playing in water & going for walks in his stroller.
Things he hates: Lawn mowers.
Words he says: Ryder speaks dada, mama, nana, papa, woof, "don" done...he also signs more, eat, milk, bye bye & waves his hand in front of his nose for stinky.
Milestones: He is able to stand on his own & walk while holding onto objects with 1 hand.

1 comment:

  1. He's beyond adorable! That funny scrunched up faces brings back such happy memories of you doing the same thing! Great photos!
