July 17, 2014

Life Lately

Well we are still without internet at the house. It seems that the previous owners, for whatever reason, cut the phone lines that lead into the house. So now we have to wait for a technician to come install new lines inside the walls...awesome.

We have been busy putting the rest of the house together, going on play dates & running errands. Of course we have also been busy planning Ryder's first birthday party! I can't believe that time is almost here. Here is our most recent pictures for the past week. They are mostly of our play dates & our friends.

Ryder has been cutting teeth. He now has 3 top teeth with 1 more pushing through. So there has been a lot of this happening...

Mmm. Frozen watermelon.

Yesterday my friend Sarah & I took the boys to the zoo here in town.

I have no idea what they are looking at but it must be pretty awesome :)

I just can't get enough of these 2! Then there is Callum's eyes. Oh how I love Callum's eyes!

And then it was nap time...

Hopefully we will get our internet before Ryder's birthday! But for now I will enjoy my birthday weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures and their facial expressions are delightfully fun! Great photography catching all of them. Such adorable little pals they are too.
