June 1, 2014

Fun-Day Sunday

Is anyone else excited that the weather has been awesome & school is out!? This is when I feel that summer has officially began. We have been pretty busy around here & today we finally had some down time. We packed up the car & headed to the zoo. It is about a 2 hour drive so we left right after breakfast so Ryder would get his morning nap in.

We had an amazing time even though the weather was hot. We stayed cool with the splash pad, shade & lots of indoor exhibits. Ryder loved the zoo. He loved seeing the animals that are in a few of our favorite books that we read daily. Although there were a few times that his joy & excitement were very obvious. His favorites were the sea lions, birds & petting the stingrays! He would actually put his hand flat & steady in the water, waiting for a stingray to swim by, & squeal with delight when he would touch one. He is definitely my child!

I wasn't going to add any pictures of the animals (I'm sure you've all seen them.) but I couldn't resist sharing this one with you. How cute is the baby elephant!

I hope all of you had a fun-filled weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Terrific pictures!!!!! Your blog is so much fun to read and see!
