May 31, 2014

Big News!

Shortly after Seth & I started dating we decided to move in together. I was renting a townhouse with my friend at the time & the plan was that when our lease was up in August, I would move into Seth's house that he had been given by his parents. He had been doing some renovations to it & it was a pretty old house. We soon agreed that it was just too much work for the 2 of us & our budget. So we started looking for a house.

Things didn't go as planned & we ended up renting a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment. It was small (600 square feet small) but it was perfect for the time. That is until we got pregnant. It was do-able until at 37 weeks pregnant the family who lived above us brought home bedbugs!! Soon after that fiasco had calmed down (& the house got put back together) we brought home Ryder. The day Ryder turned 5 weeks old we discovered that the bedbugs were back! I didn't waste any time getting the 3 of us out of there! We lived with my parents for nearly 5 weeks, which meant 4 adults & an infant in a house that quickly became too small (Love you mom & dad!)

We ended up renting a townhouse next door to our apartment. We have been there for almost 8 months now. And while this townhouse is very sentimental...I will always remember this place...we will be turning over the keys in just a few short weeks to move to OUR NEW HOME!

I hope you will all join me on my journey through decorating a new blank canvas. I have big plans. Big. HUGE! Anyone that knows me & knows my obsession with decorating will understand the wheels that are turning in my head at this very moment.

My current ideas include the following:
Dark charcoal walls (somewhere!)
Colorful office/playroom
 Cozy, welcoming front porch
Chalkboard wall

BOOM, baby! We are almost homeowners!

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