May 27, 2014

9 Months Update

It's hard to believe Ryder is 9 months already. He is growing so much everyday, I can hardly keep up! He is completely mobile now. He is crawling everywhere, sitting up on his own, pulling up on everything & even starting to walk assisted! He is babbling all the time & says a few words clearly. It's crazy when you hear your baby associate sounds with objects such as animals & motorcycles in our case.

Age: 9 months
Stats: 20 lbs & 29 in (55% for weight & 76% for height)
Schedule: He wakes up between 6:30 & 7, takes a nap at 9 & 2, goes to bed at 8.
Favorite foods: Strawberries, green beans, mac & cheese, pasta with marinara, kiwi & banana. 
Clothes: 9-12 months
Favorite things: swimming & watching Baby Einstein movies
Favorite toys: Fisher Price Piggy Bank & Vtech Crazy Legs Ladybug are his current favorites.
Things he hates: He gets the most disgusted face when we tell him no. He also hates the antibiotic he was on for his ear infection.
Words he says: "Dadda, vroom (sounds more like ooom), woof woof, mooooo, & hi"
Milestones: Crawling!!! He is also pulling up on everything & there is nothing that he won't get into. He is also using baby sign language for "all done, dog, eat, more (on occasion) & milk"! 
Memory for the baby book: We started swim lessons & Ryder is a fish! When it's time to do underwater passes, where he goes from me to the teacher & back to me under the water, we count "1. 2. 3." & he takes a big breath & closes his eyes. It's so cute & smart! He loves it! He has also made a few friends there as well. We all get there a little early so that they can splash & play in the 0" depth splash pool.
Proud Mommy Moment: Ryder & I were eating lunch the other day & I got up to get more to drink. I came back to find Ryder not only kneeling in his highchair, but taking a nice slobbery helping of my food...face straight down in my lunch. He has now started eating food off of his highchair tray like a dog. Guess it's time to strap him down in his high chair. Or feed him from a doggy bowl on the floor :)

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