May 26, 2014

Memorial Weekend Recap

Our weekend was packed full of so many fun activities! But before we get to the pictures I want to say thank you to all those have are serving or who have served and their families. I have heard so many sad stories about those who cannot be home with each other. Breaks my heart. I think the best words to start this post off the right way would be the lyrics from The Zac Brown Band.

I thank God for my life & for the stars & stripes. May freedom forever fly. Let it ring.
Salute the ones who died, the ones who gave their lives,
so we don't have to sacrifice all the things we love.

We spent most of our weekend at cookouts & in the pool. The baby pool that is. Ryder loves the water. Which is fine by me! Be prepared...this is picture overload!

Saturday - picnic by the lake & splash pad fun
(Spoiler alert! Ryder loved it!)

Sunday - cookout & no nap ninja
(Ryder became overtired & thanks to a 30 minute catnap, our afternoon turned into a total shit show. He wasn't happy with anything! It took nearly 3 hours to get him to calm down & sleep for...45 minutes!)

Monday - family, friends & food!
We had a few family & friends over for an afternoon cookout. Ryder got to go swimming in his new pool, but the water was a bit chilly so he wasn't much of a fan. He is however a fan of pasta salad & trying to steal a few sips out of everyone's beers ;)

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