March 9, 2014

Sunday Funday

The weather (despite the wind) has been beautiful! This week the temperatures will be in the 50's & 60's except for Wednesday. We couldn't be more excited. Today we went to the park for some fresh air & for Ryder's first ride in a swing. And guess what? He loved it! This kid loves adventure & crazy rides. He definitely does not get that from me.

Once we got home we found out we had new neighbors moving in next door to us. If you've ever lived in an apartment you know just how loud this can get. They also have young children. Poor Ryder hadn't had a nap in nearly 4 hours & we tried everything to help him sleep, but the noise was unbelievable! So we built a ball pit in the living room & cranked up the music! He had a blast until the exhaustion set in. It was fun while it lasted. Damn apartments! I am patiently waiting to own our own home!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!!!! These are the cutest pictures ever! You MUST go into photography dear daughter!!!!! I'm not sure Ryder can get any cuter but he seems to every day. He didn't inherit adventure or crazy rides from me either, as you know. This Nana does not do rides! LOL! Sorry about the noisy neighbors. I do hope the get quiet by bedtime. Love you!
