March 4, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Favorites

March is here! Part of me feels as though it has taken entirely too long to get here & another part of me feels that this year is going by too fast. Did you know Spring is only 16 days away!? I just hope mother nature knows this. Here in Illinois we are still getting snow & ice. And of course the freezing temperatures to go alone with them.

However, despite the cold temps outside we have started to add bright colors back into our life! After all, it is the month to throw green all over the house! Here is a look at our St. Patrick's Day favorites.

Ryder has already been sporting some of his other St. Patrick's Day attire.

This one-piece is from Old Navy last year.

His hair is always crazy right now. I don't know if it is the way it's growing in or all the static in the house. Maybe a bit of both? Plus he is so hard to get a picture of recently! He just doesn't care.

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