February 10, 2014

Six Months Update

I can't believe it's been 6 months already! And boy what a big difference this month has been! Ryder is doing so many new things. He is so active & rolls like a tumbleweed to get where he needs to go. He rides in a convertible car seat most days now. And sits in high chairs at restaurants. 

Age: 6 months
Stats: 17 lbs & 27 in
Schedule: I am going to do a special post on this later this week.
Favorite foods: He likes basically anything we feed him. His absolute favorites are green beans, apple oatmeal, peaches, & carrots.
Clothes: 6-12 & 9 months
Favorite things: He loves to roll around on the floor & he also has learned how to throw his toys. And of course bath time! That is his absolute favorite part of the day.
Things he hates: Having his face & nose wiped.
Words he says: He is always squealing & babbling. He has picked up the letters R, L, & Da but no words yet. We are *patiently* waiting to here dadda. We are also hearing a lot of "yaayaa".
Milestones: Ryder now rolls to both sides, from belly to back, from back to belly, turns in circles on his belly, & can get down to his belly from sitting up. He also has TWO teeth now!
Memory for the baby book: Ryder now has two teeth on the bottom. The first one popped through the gum the first of February & the second one popped through on February 8th (his 6 month birthday!!) His bite really hurts now! He also had his second round of the stomach flu. This time it wasn't so easy. He got dehydrated & stopped eating for nearly 48 hours. It was awful & scary!

Who said onesies always have to go on the inside of pants! :)

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