February 3, 2014

Super Bowl Sunday Funday

I will put this out there now. I am not a big football fan. I can't stand to watch the games nor do I have a TRUE favorite team. Yes I will wear & cheer on the Bears because of the boys in my house. But I'd much rather be doing something else. I do however love an ice cold beer & hanging out with good friends.

Our Sunday Funday started out as a nice relaxing day at home in our jammies. Or lack thereof in Ryder's case. It was great to spend all morning with my loves at home watching movies, playing games, getting lots of slobbery kisses from Ryder, & doing laundry. Ok, I could have done without the laundry. It has to get done though!

When it was getting close to kick-off time we dressed up in our chosen team's attire...orange & blue!...& headed over to a friend's house for a fun party.


Although, Ryder & I had to head back home during the first 20 minutes of the game because he refuses to sleep anywhere but his bed right now...& he won't let us rock him. He is such a big boy that he puts himself to sleep. But after an hour or so we were right back at the party! Ryder found himself surrounded by girls. He loved every minute of it though. What a little stud!

Another reason I am not a fan of football, I always pick the wrong teams. Broncos may have lost badly, but we had so much fun! Ryder loved playing with all the kids. And that's a win in my book!

Happy February!
Only 45 days until spring!
Yes, we are counting down.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are BEYOND adorable! You sure you don't want to be a photographer of babies for a part-time job?
