January 15, 2014

Life Lately

January is by far the most boring month! Other than New Year's, there really isn't much that happens. Mostly we have been staying pretty busy indoors. Here is a look at our life lately.

Ryder is now sleeping swaddle free! Phew! What a transition that was. The first few naps were rocky. He would go to sleep just fine & would wake up within 30 minutes. It took him about 2 hours to get settled & get comfortable with the idea the first night, but once he was asleep he slept for 9 hours straight!

I have officially started planning for the wedding!!! Everyone who knows me knows that this is a big thing! Considering I've been procrastinating it for some time now.

Last week Ryder & I experienced a very nasty stomach bug. And although it didn't last long or leave us feeling ill for days, it was still enough to send me into cleaning over-drive! I have never done so much laundry or scrubbing as I did after my baby got his first virus.
I always said that I would never be that mom.

One good thing about being sick is that we both got to spend lots of time with daddy! I am so thankful that he was willing to stay up with us all night & stay home with us.

Another awesome pass time that I have discovered that I absolutely love is making homemade baby food for Ryder! Seriously, I love it! I will write a post about our trials & errors once he is eating a little more of a variety, but for right now here are a few of his foods.

I love knowing what is going into his body. The only food that I have not used fresh is peas. But I found a brand that sells frozen peas without added gunk in the water to wash them & freeze them. The only ingredient is peas. So far he really likes carrots, sweet potatoes, pears, apples, bananas, & avocado. He is not a fan of squash. As soon as he wakes up from his nap we will be trying peas for the first time.

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