January 11, 2014

Five Months

Age: 5 months
Stats: 15 lbs. 5 oz. & 26 inches long (at last appointment) I am positive he is much longer & at least 17 lbs. now.
Sleep schedule: 8-9 hours at night with one bottle at 6am then goes back to bed until about 8.
Favorite foods: Well we decided after many mealtimes of Ryder reaching for our food, that we would go ahead & start solids. We tried brown rice cereal first. He hated it! We then tried oatmeal. He hated it! So we tried avocado. A major hit! He has now had avocado, bananas, sweet potato, apples, & pears. All in that order. So far he has liked them all!
Clothes: 6 months
Favorite things: His list of favorites is growing so much these days! He loves him jumperoo & a variety of toys.
Things he hates: Having his face & nose wiped.
Words he says: Lots of babbles, squeals, & screams.
Milestones: Ryder has started sitting up! He still needs a little support & falls to the sides. He has also found his feet!
Memory for the baby book: Ryder has his first virus this past week. He & I both came down with a very fast moving stomach bug. He did great with it & was only feeling bad for a few hours. I'm so thankful that it didn't affect him any worse than it did. We really got lucky!!

And the best part about having a sick day? Hanging out with daddy ALL DAY!

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