September 30, 2013

Our Weekend in Pictures

Again, I am writing from the humble abodes of my parents. I do love them and it's been great having Nana always available to help out, but I am so ready to be in our own place. I'm ready to get my fall decorations out & get back to a schedule.

We have had a very busy weekend. We started the weekend on Friday night with the Route 66 Mother Road Cruise Night Parade. We walked around downtown Springfield for a good 2 hours catching up with friends and taking a look at a few cars. Ryder loved all the people & lights, but didn't care so much for the loud horns.

On Saturday we drove about an hour away to the Prairie Land Heritage Steam Show. We saw thousands of old tractors, steam engines, & (my favorite) a huge flea market. Ryder slept for the majority of the show. Which was okay because it was very hot & windy. 
{Can you see the wet spot? Ryder has officially started drooling!}

Sunday we headed back downtown to the car show. This time it was quieter & Ryder literally slept through the entire 2 hours!!! It was a beautiful fall day out. Seth & Papa found a lot of cars that they instantly fell in love with...of course.

I am happy to say that we should be moving to our new townhouse either tonight or tomorrow...thank goodness!! I may be MIA for the remainder of the week if things go as planned. I am also excited to announce that there is also a new look for the blog coming soon! I hope you all have a great week!

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