August 15, 2013

One Week Old

It's hard to believe that today is my due date and that today my sweet baby is a week old. We spent so long waiting for this day and it's crazy to think that all the time has already flown by. I completely understand now when people say time flies when you have a child. I don't know if it's my hormones or if I truly am very sad to see it go.

We have been spending most of our time just sitting and staring at Ryder. All of his facial expressions and noises make us laugh. He is not a fan of being swaddled and will quickly find a way to have his arms free. He loves to stretch out and look into people's eyes. Lately he has been taking a pacifier to help soothe him to sleep and enjoys being rocked.

It has been awesome having Seth home all week and I will be so sad when he goes back to work. I know that Ryder and I will be making many trips to have lunch dates with daddy. Seth is amazing with Ryder and he is definitely getting to know his daddy by his voice. He will almost always turn to find his voice even when a few people are talking at the same time. I guess all the bedtime stories really help.  :)

Thank you to everyone for all the sweet comments and wonderful gifts. We feel very blessed and we thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts!!

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