March 24, 2013

Snowed In

Thanks to winter storm Virgil, we have been pretty much snowed in all day. There was a small break in the early afternoon which led to me basically begging for Steak n Shake's chili and a grilled cheese. (Which I got!) Since we were obviously not going anywhere today, we decided to put together the furniture that we had acquired for the nursery. We are hoping for the dresser to get delivered tomorrow. I will be so happy when I can post the finished nursery! When we started assembling the furniture there would be less than 1 inch of snow. Now that we are done there is about 4 to 5 inches and the storm isn't even half way over. I will post those pictures later. Happy Spring!!

I'm absolutely in LOVE with the crib! I can't wait to see the little one in there!

The changing table was a little bit more difficult than the others were to put together.

The nightstand.


  1. Great Pictures

  2. I love it! Can't wait to see the finished nursery. And I can paint some canvases to hang in there too if you want :)
