March 26, 2013

19 weeks

We survived winter storm Virgil. Twenty-seven hours of snow and thirteen to seventeen inches of heavy snow later and spring has officially started? What a beginning of spring! March really did not come in like a lion and out like a lamb around here. It took about two hours to shovel our cars out. Thank goodness for my uncle having a huge snow blower! But our snow day was well spent cleaning, organizing, and assembling more furniture for the nursery. Did any of you get snowed in?

How far along? 19 weeks 5 days

Total weight gain: 11 lbs? I will know for sure on Friday.
Maternity clothes? I can wear mostly a mix of both right now.
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: Great!
Best moment this week: Getting all the nursery furniture together!!
Miss Anything? Riding the motorcycle...not that we could go for a ride right now anyways.
Movement: A little more each day.
Food cravings: Cheese, milk, and tomato soup!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nada!
Gender: We will know on Friday!!!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Heartburn occasionally, back ache, and the occasional round ligament pains.
Belly Button in or out? Almost flat!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender!

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