March 31, 2013

It's a...

This week we went for our 20 weeks appointment. Little baby Weber is healthy as can be and growing perfectly. We also are very excited to announce that baby Weber is a BOY! We are so happy!! I will admit, it was hard to not run out and buy all the hair bows I could find, but I'm so excited to get ready for a little baby boy. We are still 90% sure that we have picked out a name already. We have also chose to keep it a surprise until he is here. We don't want to hear all the negative things that could come or deal with changing our minds last minute without anyone knowing.

How far along? 20 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 12 lbs total
Maternity clothes? I can wear mostly a mix of both right now.
Stretch marks? no

Sleep: Great...on nights that I'm not up all night looking at baby things online :)
Best moment this week: Finding out gender and shopping!
Miss Anything? Riding the motorcycle.
Movement: A little more each day.
Food cravings: Cheese, milk, and tomato soup!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Left overs smells.
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Heartburn occasionally, back ache, and the occasional round ligament pains.
Belly Button in or out? Almost flat!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Meeting baby boy Weber!

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