April 9, 2013

21 weeks

How far along? 21 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain: 12 lbs
Maternity clothes? Rocking mostly maternity leggings and yogas!
Stretch marks? no

Sleep: Awesome!!
Best moment this week: I got baby Weber's blanket, crib sheet, and nursery items in the mail! We also officially have all the nursery furniture put together!
Miss Anything? Riding the motorcycle...beautiful weather recently!
Movement: Baby W is starting to be most active around 5-9pm.
Food cravings: Steak N' Shake's chili and grilled cheese, Mexican, and anything salty!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not much currently.
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: My ever growing belly!!
Belly Button in or out: Completely flat!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy Happy Happy!
Looking forward to: Meeting baby Weber!

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