March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day! (18 weeks)

This weekend was a little crazy. Saturday was spent downtown for the St. Patrick's Day parade. The weather was anything but comfortable. It was extremely windy, about 37 degrees, and cloudy. It was so worth it to see Seth having a blast stunting his bike. Today Seth and I spent the morning laying in bed (being lazy) but this afternoon we kicked "Making Room for Baby" project butt! Almost everything is out of the nursery and all furniture that we have is ready to be put together. I can't wait! I also made Fruity Pebble Krispy Treats for St. Patty's Day fun! Yum!

How far along? 18 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 11 lbs (total weight gain)
Maternity Clothes: I'm wearing a mixture of maternity and regular pants. I'm definitely rocking the hairtie closure though!
Stretch marks? Keeping my fingers crossed.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good!
Miss anything? Laying on my stomach.
Movement: Lots of little flutters and rolling.
Food Cravings: NACHOS! and pretty much anything with cheese.
Anything making you queasy or sick? morning breath
Gender prediction: girl
Labor signs: Too soon for that.
Symptoms: round ligament pain...ouch!
Belly button in/out: It's on the move!
Mood? HAPPY!
Best Moment this week: Watching Seth stunt in the St. Patty's Day parade.
Looking forward to: Finding out gender! (Only 11 days!)

How dad feels this week: Excited to find out the gender and anxious to feel more movements.

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