January 27, 2018

Harper || Three Months

I forgot how fast they grow between the second and third month. I feel like it happened overnight! She is very aware of things going on around her and she has the hardest time sleeping because of this. I am definitely soaking up her infancy much more and taking the days slower than I did with her big brother. These days go by much too fast. Her and Ryder spend the majority of the day bonding and playing. From the minute she opens her eyes until lights go out at night, her big brother is right next to her talking and playing. Poor girl will probably think that Batman is a relative that lives in our house by the time she is a year old. I just love watching them love on each other!

Harper || three months
12 lbs 23 in

started grabbing toys
likes tummy time
loves bath time (especially with big brother)
thinks her brother is the funniest
loves to eat
hates the car
loves Curious George
loosing her peach fuzz

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