November 29, 2017

Harper || One Month

Harper || one month

loves big brother
must be swaddled to sleep
in awe over the Christmas tree
almost out of newborn sizes
loves to snuggle
fights sleep
slept through the night once
loves bath time

Dear Harper || These first weeks with you have flown by! I'm trying to cherish every minute, even the crazy ones, because I know just how soon they will be gone. I am so happy to have you here for Christmas! Every night when you wake for your milk I bring you out to the couch and turn on the Christmas tree. We cuddle and listen to Christmas music together until you drift back off to sleep. To be honest, I usually hold you a little longer instead of going back to bed. I just love those moments of quiet with the warm glow of the lights. Some mornings if you wake too early we lay on the couch and watch Hallmark movies until brother wakes up. The first thing Ryder does every morning is check to see if you are awake. He kisses you all day long and you light up when you hear and see him. I love the bond the two of you already have. I love you sweet girl!

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