April 19, 2017

Easter 2017

Can you believe I hardly took any photos on Easter? In fact, I have rarely picked up my "big camera" in the last few months. We've just been busy and I haven't felt inspired. Honestly, I've just been bored with it. I need to force myself to pull it out more. I was without a memory card for it for most of January and February so I do have that excuse. So from here on out I am making it my goal to get my real camera out at least once a week! Especially since the weather has been beautiful and everything is so full of color and life.

*** Can you guess which dyed eggs were the brown eggs? There are four. ***

We had a busy Easter weekend. Which may have been another reason I didn't grab many photos. We were all over the place and doing so many things. Easter day was also Seth's birthday (Happy Birthday, love!) and our family was so spread out through the city. We visited his mother , who is healing from surgery, in the hospital early Easter morning. From there we went to my parent's house for lunch and an egg hunt. As soon as we were all ready for a nap it was time to head into his parent's house to visit with his father, aunt, and other family. By the time we were headed home it was late, way past dinnertime, way past bath time, and we were all pretty hangry and tired. We stopped for a quick dinner before heading home for the night.

Ryder is now an egg hunt expert and I'm pretty sure we will be filling eggs and hiding them for weeks to come. Now I just need to toss out the remaining dyed eggs in the fridge because the smell about knocks me over when I open the door.

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