April 23, 2014

Your Questions Answered

I cannot believe that it is almost May already. This year is going by way too fast. Thank you for the kind words & advice on the teething situation & sleep regression. The growth spurt is over & for the most part he is sleeping much better. However all four top teeth are coming in at once. We can see all 4 incisors under the gums & they are taking their sweet time coming through. Poor baby is in so much pain that he keeps his pacifier to the side of his mouth.

I wanted to take the time to answer some questions that I have gotten via email.

What camera do I use for my pictures & what apps/programs do I use to edit them?
I have a Nikon D5100 that I use for the majority of the photos that you see on the blog. I use the 18-55mm lens that came with the camera & I also use my 85mm lens on occasion. All other photos are taken on my iPhone 4S.
For editing (if I edit) I use Adobe Photoshop Elements 9. If you follow me on Instagram you have seen photo collages. I will use PicFrame & Whitagram to edit photos before uploading them to instagram most of the time.

What are our typical dinners & go-to meals?
A typical weekly menu for us looks something like this...
Sunday - April through August we cook out on the grill every. single. Sunday. We change it up every week. Our typical grilled meals are normally hot dogs, hamburgers, steaks, chicken & vegetable foil pouches.
Monday - I usually plan something simple. Who likes to make a big meal on a Monday night? Usually it is Hamburger Helper. I know...so healthy!
Tuesday -  Tuesdays are always Mexican night! It started off as Taco Tuesdays but we have started eating fajitas just about every Tuesday. We will either do steak or chicken. Once a month I make this taco & fajita seasoning & we use that.
Wednesday - Usually something in the crock pot. By Wednesday I am usually slamming my head into a wall when I hear the word dinner. Beef Tip or roast is our go-to.
Thursday - Pasta. It's always pasta. We love spaghetti, Chicken Parmesan, penne & cheese tortellini.
Friday - I usually call this "no dinner Friday". We usually make a homemade pizza, frozen pizza, or order pizza delivery. Always pizza.
Saturday - This night usually isn't planned. I will always have an option available (usually fish sticks or chicken nuggets) but we sometimes go out to eat.

You can find some of my recipes here.

{blueberry yogurt}

Where do we buy most of Ryder's clothes?
Most of Ryder's clothes are from babyGap & Old Navy. He is occasionally wear Carter's & Jumping Beans which were usually gifted. Gap & Old Navy clothing fit him the best. I love Carter's onesies because very rarely do they shrink. He always usually wears Children's Place jeans since they seem to have the best length for his long legs.

How do I make picture/product collages?
I make all my collages on Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 & paint. I search for the items that I want & save the images. If you want them to have a transparent background save them as a ".PNG" file. Then I arrange them & add text. Fairly simple. I think Polyvore has a site that you can make styleboards?

What is my everyday style & where do I shop most?
Well, this one is embarrassing. Most days Ryder & I rarely leave the house so my normal daily attire consists of sweatshirts, leggings, & ponytails. But when we do leave the house I normally put a little more on.

Shopping for myself I use what I like to call the "cost per use". Don't laugh, it's totally the way to go. I will occasionally (& by occasion I mean maybe once a year) splurge on a nice dress or fancy outfit. Most of the time I will splurge on comfy clothes. I live in Victoria's Secret sweatshirts & leggings, Target long & lean tank tops & old worn jeans with t-shirts. This is me on a normal weekly basis.

With the warmer weather coming, I will be living in mostly my old cotton capris, maxi-skirts, colorful tanks & v-necks & dresses!

This covers most of the questions that you asked. If there are any addition questions please feel free to email me those questions at lifewithbabyweber@yahoo.com & I will do another answer post soon!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the blog! LOVED the blueberry yogurt picture. Made me LOL! Great menu plans. Wish I was so organized. Did you inherit this from me????? I think not! Love you!
