April 7, 2014

Eight Months

Age: 8 months
Stats: 18 lbs & 28.5 inches (at last appointment)
Schedule: Typically he has 2 long naps during the day with a short one in the morning after breakfast.
Favorite foods: Bananas, sweet potatoes, blueberry yogurt, & applesauce.
Clothes: 6-12 & 9 months
Favorite things: Balls. Walks. Getting into anything & everything.
Things he hates: Sitting still
Words he says: "Dadda" "yeah" "Mama"--but only when he is very upset.
Milestones: He is wiggling everywhere! He doesn't use his knees to crawl & is still mostly going backwards & sideways. He is also going from belly to sitting on his own.
Memory for the baby book: Ryder is trying all sorts of new foods! He is getting really good at chewing. So far he has tried eggs, wasn't too big of a fan, green peppers, loved them, & his first taste of crescent roll, had no reaction, & strawberries, which he loves. (Please keep in mind these are only tastes. Yes, I wait 3-4 days in between each item & the bite he gets is very tiny & soft.)

As you can see in the above picture, Ryder has many faces. I took these pictures within 2 minutes on a multiple shot setting. These are all emotions that he had with me doing all sorts of stupid things. I would bark & growl, play peek-a-boo & then just look at him. He is very animated :)

Here are a few of our favorites this month.

Intex Balls - These are the balls that fill ball pits. Ryder loves them! They are perfect size for him to grab. I usually throw them in the play yard & let him go crazy. I have also put them in the bath with him & just let them go loose around the room...I do not recommend that last idea.
Crawl Around Car - Ryder loves this car! There are so many different things to keep him occupied from buttons, music, balls, shape sorter, & movable parts.
Silicone Bib - Perfect for catching all that food that doesn't make it in their mouth while they are learning to feed themselves. Unless you actually enjoy picking up thousands of Cheerios off the floor.
Plum Organics Puffs - Plum Organics brand has so much flavor!!! Ryder hates the other brands.
IKEA Highchair - We got this chair right around the time when Ryder was sitting up on his own. I love it but I don't think it is best for younger babies who cannot sit unassisted.


  1. LOVE this blog and all the facial expresssions!!!!!!!

  2. If I was the mother of a baby, I would be paying you as the photographer to take my baby's pictures. What a great idea to do the multiple shot setting of emotions.
