December 12, 2013

Decking The Halls

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here. Actually it has been for a couple weeks now. I'm just late in getting pictures of our decorations. Life has been a bit crazy over here recently. Ryder is way more active now & I'm also growing increasingly lazier. Must have something to do with the cold weather outside, but I am in no mood to put on anything other than a hoodie over my jammies making me look like a total slob-kabob! And picking up my hair brush just seems like too much work. There are many times where I do make myself presentable for the public's eyes. I just hope they don't mind yoga pants, a big sweatshirt, & a messy ponytail :)

Onto our decorations!!

My parents gave me their tree a couple years ago after I had moved out on my own. I hope that as soon as we have an actual house we will get a real tree. I've never had or been near a real Christmas tree indoors. Until then, our pre-lit LED pine will do just fine! Our tree topper wouldn't fit this year & I am terrible at making those large the top of the tree will remain naked!

Ryder was in awe of the tree when we first put it up. Since then he could really care less. Occasionally when we are playing on the floor he will stare at it momentarily.

I couldn't find a tree skirt that I liked this year so I used a white blanket that I had lying around. I had my eye on this one but when I went to snatch it up, they were sold out. Bummer. So now I am just waiting for the right one to come along.

This year I wanted to do something different for wrapping presents. I usually use the brightest, shiniest paper & bows I can find. I found this pin on Pinterest (of course) & I fell in love with it. One of my friends told me it looks like I have packaged meat under my tree...butcher paper is white by the way.

I love our bedroom! It is so cozy. We already had a red bedspread so it was already festive!! Add a few wreaths & a fun pillow & it was ready to go!

Ryder's room is my favorite! (minus the ugly yellow-tan color) It feels so warm & festive. I think he likes the change as well.

Only TWO weeks left until Christmas!

And here's some munchkin cuteness for you.

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