November 16, 2013

Love List

Mother nature has been on some crazy pills or quite possibly drunk! One minute it feels like fall. Then you go inside a store to change a diaper, wipe noses, & get coffee because you couldn't sleep last night since somebody wanted to stay up all night playing & when you come back outside it is suddenly winter! Snowing, sleeting, & windy!! I woke up this morning (at 5:30am - thank you little man!) and it's almost spring like. Chilly, breezy, & sprinkling. In only a matter of a few hours there are severe thunderstorm warnings with a possibility of a tornado? Hold the effing phone!! Tornadoes? In November? Yes, this is why all of us crazy people choose to live in the midwest. Bipolar Mother Nature. Luckily, most of the severe tornado crap is south of us. Phew! Meanwhile, it's about 60 degrees with 30 mph winds outside right now. Mother Nature needs a Midol. Okay, enough rambling. Onto a few of my most recent fun finds & obsessions.

1. It's finally the season for holiday scented everything! We have apple cinnamon candles out. Spruce scented room spray. And Candy Cane Bliss & Fresh Sparkling Snow soaps from Bath & Body Works. I love both of these scents! The peppermint of the candy cane makes me so excited to get to work on decking the halls! Which I'm trying real hard not to do before Thanksgiving.

2. Every Tuesday is taco day at our house. Really it is more like Mexican night, but that just doesn't have the same ring to it. I was tired of making the same 3 dishes (we have a limited selection of favorites) so I decided to mix them & make them a new dish, Steak Fajita Bowls! It turned out delicious! You can find the recipe on this page.

4. Before I had Ryder there were so many things that I swore I would never use. One of these products was Boogie Wipes. Now that I have a wild little one making all sorts of messes around here, I swear by these things!! With the weather being wonky his nose has been terribly stuffy & runny. The air is so dry from the heat that poor Ryder wakes up with a ton of sticky boogers. I can usually dig them out easily, but there are always a few a day that are just plain stuck! We use the unscented, but the original & grape are good too.

5. I am absolutely in love with this Mistletoe One-Piece for babies. I couldn't scoop one up fast enough for Ryder this year. I think it is perfect for both boys & girls.

6. Christmas books are finally out! We have gotten a few out for our bedtime stories. However he won't get most of them yet. We chose to start a new tradition at least for this year & maybe next year until he understands Santa. There will be 24 books wrapped under the tree for him to open. Think of it as our advent calendar. The last book will come with his Christmas pajamas. When he gets a bit older I will switch it out for something different because there are only so many Christmas books.

7. 'Tis the season for holiday baking!!! On the menu for the next 6 weeks are chocolate chip cookies, snickerdoodles, red velvet crinkles, hot chocolate, gingerbread, apple pie, sugar cookies with sprinkles of course!, cupcakes, & anything else I come across on Pinterest :)

Mmmm...I think I know what we are doing when Ryder wakes up from his nap!

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