October 15, 2013

Two Months Update

Age: 2 months
Stats: 12 lbs & 24 1/4 inches long
Sleep schedule: We are working on this one...Since we had to relocate for 3 weeks, his schedule got very messed up. Currently on a typical day he take about 3 naps a day. They usually last 1 & 1/2 hours to 2 hours. He is also still waking 1-2 times a night for feedings.
Favorite foods: No food yet! Just Enfamil Gentle Ease: 4 ounces every 3-4 hours.
Clothes: He is wearing 3 months onesies & pants, however, sleepers we are almost into 6 months.
Favorite things: He loves to look around at his world. Everyday we spend a lot of time on his activity mat playing with toys. I'm always switching out the toys, but his favorites right now are this & this. Ryder also loves to kick & jump!
Things he hates: He absolutely hates to get out of the bathtub! He also is not a fan of an empty bottle & having to stop eating in order to burp.
Words he says: Just coos, but he will really "talk" your head off!
Milestones: So far he is right on track. Holding his head up (wobbly), smiling, cooing, & very alert.
Memory for the baby book: Funniest thing he did was tonight actually. Every night we follow the same bedtime routine. We call it "The Four B's". Bath, book, bottle, & bed. We don't stick to a time schedule, but Ryder usually follows it to about the same time each night, give or take 30 minutes. But tonight...he woke up from his late evening catnap & we put him in the tub. He was having a blast! Very smiley & giggly. He was doing his usual kicking & splashing. Then it was time to get out of the tub...here's the order in which things went wrong. Very very wrong...
1) I unplugged the drain. {Ryder's face grew very serious}
2) Seth grabbed the towel. {The poochy lip came out}
3) I picked Ryder up out of the tub.
Now normally this is still an okay thing. He knows that while he is getting dried off daddy will play with him. He usually likes this part. But for whatever reason the second my arms lifted him out of the water he began to go batshit crazy! I don't mean a small "I'm mad at you" cry. We are talking full on red face, high pitch wail, kicking, & thrashing side to side. My sweet baby went PSYCHO! Seth & I couldn't help but laugh.

one - This is one of Ryder's favorite toys. He loves to "talk" to himself in the mirror & he likes to kick it & make it chime.
two - My baby is a blanket & pacifier baby! This is his all time favorite blanket. We have one very similar to it, but he will fuss more unless he has this one. He has to be wrapped in this one for sleeping as well...against my SIDS anxiety.
three - Whenever I hang this from his activity gym or car seat he always swings at it. He will giggle when he hits it & it rattles.
four - These are still my pick for best bottles. Easy to clean & so far no real gas problems.
five - This is the activity gym that we picked out. I love that it is gender neutral & the toys that come with it are very cute.
six - We use one of these in the bathtub to rinse him off. When he sees it floating or coming at him to rinse him off he always smiles.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE reading your blog! LOVE my grand baby too! Hmmm, sounds like he might have Mommy's temper and attitude just a bit???? LOL.
