October 20, 2013

Our Weekend

Our weekend was filled with fall festivities! It was a little chilly this weekend, but we made it out & about anyways. Time to bust out our coats, mittens, boots, & hats!! Ryder isn't too sure about his cold weather attire yet. Hats make him feel like he needs to close his eyes for some reason & he really does not like being bundled up. BUT he allowed it!

On Friday night we left Ryder with my parents for a few hours (felt horribly guilty) & went out to dinner & to the Jack-O-Lantern Festival at a local park. We went to this last year & decided it had to make it onto our annual festivities list. There are hundreds of Jack-O-Lanterns carved by children & adults that are set up on display around the gardens & bell tower. The highlight of my night wasn't the pumpkins though. It was when the bells played the Harry Potter theme song!!! Total nerd moment! :)

Hell yes! Only 65 days 'til Christmas!

Even a few celebrities stopped by!

Shout out to all the Walking Dead fans!!! One of the best shows in existence!

On Saturday we had breakfast with Papa & then joined him out at the RC airplane field (he's a nerd too) for their annual weenie roast! It was too windy for the guys to fly their aircrafts, but the fire felt amazing & the hot dogs were delicious! Ryder wasn't too thrilled he couldn't have one...next year baby. He wasn't too sure about the fire either. The party pooper ended up napping in Papa's suv for the majority of the afternoon.

Sunday was spent shopping, running errands, & then a lazy night followed by a long bath, lots of singing, & a nice warm bottle (& cuddles with daddy of course!). Over all it was a busy, fun weekend. Ryder & I sure love it when daddy is off all weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Silly girl! We loved having Ryder and being with you. We truly only watched him for about 90 minutes to two hours and he slept the entire time just about! No reason for you to feel guilty. Nana LOVES being with Ryder!
