August 1, 2016

Never Grow Up

The most recent activity in our house has been playing dress-up. I wasn't sure if Ryder would ever really get into dressing like his favorite characters because he has always been more into playing with vehicles and balls. But he has taken a sudden interest in watching Peter Pan. I surprised him one morning with his Halloween costume from last year and it has just spiraled from there. He wears his Peter Pan costume every day, and insists on wearing it out while we run our errands. I don't let him wear it while we are eating, so that it doesn't get too much food or dirt on it. His hat is just a bit small so I need to make him a new one.

One night Seth surprised Ryder and came out of the bedroom in his pirate hat from Halloween. They had an epic battle that night.

And then Ryder wanted to be a pirate...


So now I am on the hunt for the perfect treasure chest to use as a dress-up box. I also can't wait to see what Ryder will be next week!!

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