July 5, 2016

Happy Fourth!

"I thank God for my life, for the stars and stripes. May freedom forever fly. Let it reign. Salute the ones who died, the ones who gave their lives. So we don't have to sacrifice all the things we love."

Our holiday weekend was pretty low key and amazing. It rained all day Saturday and Sunday so I was a little nervous that we wouldn't get to do any of the things we had planned. But we did get to do a lot of playing and movie watching which was just as fun. We don't always get much time to just relax as a family so it was a nice change. We went to the lake for fireworks Sunday night, but it was so foggy that the fireworks basically just looked like colored fog. On Monday we woke up to light rain but headed to a cookout at my parents. The weather cleared and we were able to have fun with some Pop Its and enjoy a few minutes of sun. By the afternoon, it was beautiful outside so after dinner we headed to the park for an amazing fireworks display. Ryder loved them and was in awe at how close they were. Now we are dealing with a holiday hangover. If you need me I'll be chugging coffee like it's my job.

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