July 7, 2016

Fireflies + Other Summer Things

I wanted to find a way to document a few things that Ryder is loving about summer this year. He has grown so much both physically and mentally since last summer and so many things are new and exciting in his eyes. I love watching him experience so many things and it's even more fun when he doesn't remember the same things happening last year. He has also accomplished so much and he has been so brave and pushed through a couple fears.

Ryder still has a strong fear of bugs, especially bugs that fly. But he insists on looking for fireflies every single night. Sometimes he gets brave enough to hunt them in the yard, but most nights after we've finished reading our books, we turn out the lights and watch them from his bedroom window. We try to count them but his counting is still a little wobbly (pee, two, tree, or, hive...). We have been successful in catching a couple in jars to keep overnight. He does surprisingly well with them! We also have been loving the book The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle. I love how the fireflies light up on the last page. My favorite part about his love for fireflies is that he calls them "shy-shy's".

This one may not seem like much but it is a huge deal for our little guy! He has a phobia of slides. He will never go down a slide without us. But recently he decided that bounce house slides were a ton of fun! We have had to stop and play in every bounce house at all festivals and parties this summer. He can't get enough. Way to go, bud!

And last, but not least, the splash pad. He has never liked the water splashing him. He would always stand with his foot on the fountain but would be upset if he got splashed. But this week he took a deep breath and ran through the middle of all the fountains! Then to make it even better, he stood straight under the fall of the water. He laughed so hard that he had hiccups the entire ride home. He has made me so proud lately!

Now if only he wasn't already acting like a threenager. Boy, you don't turn three for another month. You need to chill on the sass and the attitude. ;)

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