June 20, 2016

First Day Of Summer!

Hello summer! We've been on our summer break for a few weeks already but today is the official first day of summer solstice. Once we finish the laundry and housecleaning (which won't be much because Seth cleaned for me ON Father's Day!!!) we will be enjoying some time in the hot sunshine. I mean, it wouldn't be summer without the sun out and guns out, right? 

It has been so hot here lately. We have had a hard time finding things to do between 10 am and 7 pm due to the heat and humidity. I'm thinking that we will just buy family memberships to the pool. We stayed inside most of last week thanks to failed sunscreen. Ryder and I visited the water park last Monday and our sunscreen failed me miserably. It mad me so angry because I was so stubborn about making sure that we dried off and reapplied sunscreen every hour. I made sure it was rubbed in and well before getting in the water too. Ryder only ended up a little pink on his arms but I ended up with my entire upper back and shoulders covered in blisters. It's peeling now and super itchy but so much better than it was!! I also bought different sunscreen. ;)

I would love your input though. Ryder loves the water but is hesitant to go down slides. He did find that he loves one slide in particular. I want him to wear his "floaties" but he is terrified of it. It is just a stage 3 with the floats on his belly and back. He wore it last year against his wishes but he is much older and the fight is much larger. I looked into puddle jumpers but I'm fairly certain that would cause him to fuss even more. He does great keeping himself above water and has learned how to turn to his back to float his head above water. What do you put on your littles in the pool? Or what do you do to ease their fear?


  1. I don't know about the floaties (something you can find out and then pass your knowledge on to me for later :)) but I do absolutely love Ryder's sprinkler picture. Funny!! Stay cool today!

  2. I agree -- That sprinkler photo is priceless! You're so good at catching the moments.
